NewRelicAgent(CustomAnalyticEvent.cxx.o), building for iOS simulator, but linking in object file built for OSX, for architecture x8(botched)


/Pods/NewRelicAgent/NewRelic_iOS_Agent_5.1.0/NewRelicAgent.framework/NewRelicAgent(CustomAnalyticEvent.cxx.o), building for iOS simulator, but linking in object file built for OSX, for architecture x86_64
You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64

关于bitcode的链接 可以看看这篇文章


ios9新特性中Bitcode 支持在新项目中是默认开启的,如果不更新第三方的话,可以手动将bitcode关闭掉,继续运行程序。操作如下:
