MSSql2005: Cube 和 RollUp 的区别

The differences between CUBE and ROLLUP are:
  • CUBE generates a result set that shows aggregates for all combinations of values in the selected columns.

  • ROLLUP generates a result set that shows aggregates for a hierarchy of values in the selected columns.


可以看到Cube 比 RollUp多了三行.一比较发现,多的三行都是以Color列为纬度统计的。再结合书上说的那点区别,说RollUp是按层统计的。
猜想区别就是Cube对每个纬度都统计了,而RollUp对Group by 后跟的第一个纬度按照值不同顺序统计完后,终止在Null,NUll,1117这一行,不再继续。
CREATE TABLE Inventory (
Item varchar(53) NOT NULL,
Color varchar(53) NULL,
Department varchar(53) Null,
Quantity int NULL

INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Table', 'Red','IT', 223);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Table', 'White','HR', 54);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Table', 'Blue','ADM', 124);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Chair', 'Red', 'IT',210);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Chair', 'Blue','HR', 101);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Chair', 'White','ADM', 23);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Stand', 'Red','IT', 213);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Stand', 'Blue','HR', 141);
INSERT Inventory VALUES ('Stand', 'White','ADM', 28);

SELECT * FROM Inventory

SELECT Item, Color, Department,SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity
FROM Inventory
GROUP BY Item, Color,Department WITH CUBE;

SELECT Item, Color, Department,SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity
FROM Inventory
GROUP BY Item, Color,Department WITH Rollup
