group by 一条语句实现多条语句的效果

    --一个sql 使用 group by 实现 4个 sql 的效果
        select ProjectNumber,ClientName,jx,sf,sum(count) as TotalCount from tlog 
        where StDate>='2017-10-01' and StDate<'2017-11-01' 
        group by ProjectNumber,ClientName,jx,sf
        -- jx=1 and sf=1 
        select ClientName,sum(Count) as 'TotalCount' from tlog where 
        jx=1 and sf=1 
        and (StDate>='2017-10-01' and StDate<'2017-11-01') 
         group by ClientName
        -- jx=1 and sf=0 
         select ClientName,sum(Count) as 'TotalCount' from tlog where 
        jx=1 and sf=0 
        and (StDate>='2017-10-01' and StDate<'2017-11-01') 
         group by ClientName
       --  jx=0 and sf=1 
         select ClientName,sum(Count) as 'TotalCount' from tlog where 
        jx=0 and sf=1 
        and (StDate>='2017-10-01' and StDate<'2017-11-01') 
         group by ClientName
        -- jx=0 and sf=0 
         select ClientName,sum(Count) as 'TotalCount' from tlog where 
        jx=0 and sf=0 
        and (StDate>='2017-10-01' and StDate<'2017-11-01') 
         group by ClientName