
一、 绪论

1. 为什么要写这篇文章

2. 图像处理和计算机视觉的分类:图像处理、图像分析和计算机视觉

3. 图像处理和计算机视觉开源库以及编程语言选择:C/C++、Matlab

4. 本文的特点和结构,以及适合的对象


二、 图像处理与计算机视觉相关的书籍

1. 数学

2. 信号处理

3. 模式识别

4. 图像处理与计算机视觉的书籍推荐

5. 小结


三、 计算机视觉中的信号处理与模式识别

1. Boosting 

2. Clustering

3. Compressive Sensing 

4. Decision Trees 

5. Dynamical Programming

6. Expectation Maximization

7. Graphical Models

8. Hidden Markov Model

9. Independent Component Analysis

10. Information Theory

11. Kalman Filter

12. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

13. Principal Component Analysis

14. Random Forest


16. Singular Value Decomposition

17. Sparse Representation

18. Support Vector Machines

19. Wavelet


四、 图像处理与分析

1. Bilateral Filter

2. Color

3. Compression and Encoding

 4. Contrast Enhancement

5. Deblur (Restoration)

6. Dehazing and Defog

7. Denoising

8. Edge Detection

 9. Graph Cut

10. Hough Transform

11. Image Interpolation

12. Image Matting

13. Image Modeling

14. Image Quality Assessment

15. Image Registration

16. Image Retrieval

17. Image Segmentation

18. Level Set

19. Pyramid

20. Radon Transform

21. Scale Space

22. Snake

23. Super Resolution

24. Thresholding

25. Watershed 


五、 计算机视觉

1. Active Appearance Models

2. Active Shape Models

3. Background modeling and subtraction

4. Bag of Words


6. Camera Calibration and Stereo Vision

7. Color and Histogram Feature

8. Deformable Part Model

9. Distance Transformations

10. Face Detection

11. Face Recognition

12. FAST

13. Feature Extraction

14. Feature Matching

15. Harris

16. Histograms of Oriented Gradients

17. Image Distance

18. Image Stitching

19. KLT

20. Local Binary Pattern

21. Low-Level Vision

22. Mean Shift

23. MSER

24. Object Detection

25. Object Tracking

26. OCR

27. Optical Flow

28. Particle Filter

29. Pedestrian and Human detection

30. Scene Classification

31. Shadow Detection

32. Shape

33. SIFT

34. SLAM

35. Texture Feature

36. TLD

37. Video Surveillance

38. Viola-Jones


六、 结束语


