
C#中获得文件信息很容易,只需要用FileInfo类或者FileVersionInfo类就可以获得,但是如果想要获得文件的扩展信息,则无法从这两类来获得。不过在C#中,这也不是件难事,只要引入“Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation”这个COM就可以获得。




using System.IO;

FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( yourFileName );







using System.Diagnostics;

FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo( yourFileName );




最后要说的,就是如何得到一个文件的扩展信息,例如标题,作者等等,这些信息从如上三个类中是无法获得。但是要在C#程序中获得,就需要引入一个“Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation”这个COM,这个COM是由系统“Shell32.dll”而提供。这方面的例子,可以参看如下这篇文章。




using Shell32; // Use this namespace after add the reference

    /// <summary>

    /// Returns the detailed Information of a given file.

    /// </summary>

    public class CFileInfo



        private string sFileName ="",



            sFilePath = "",

            sFileComment = "",

            sFileAuthor = "",

            sFileTitle = "",

            sFileSubject = "",

            sFileCategory = "",

            sFileType = "";


        private long lFileLength = 0,

            lFileVersion = 0;


        private DateTime dCreationDate,



        public CFileInfo(string sFPath)



            // check if the given File exists



                ArrayList aDetailedInfo = new ArrayList();


                FileInfo oFInfo = new FileInfo(sFPath);


                sFileName = oFInfo.Name;

                sFullFileName = oFInfo.FullName;

                sFileExtension = oFInfo.Extension;


                sFilePath = oFInfo.Directory.ToString();

                dCreationDate = oFInfo.CreationTime;

                dModificationDate = oFInfo.LastWriteTime;


                #region "read File Details"


                aDetailedInfo = GetDetailedFileInfo(sFPath);


                foreach(DetailedFileInfo oDFI in aDetailedInfo)




                        case 2:

                            sFileType = oDFI.Value;


                        case 9:

                            sFileAuthor = oDFI.Value;


                        case 10:

                            sFileTitle = oDFI.Value;


                        case 11:

                            sFileSubject = oDFI.Value;


                        case 12:

                            sFileCategory = oDFI.Value;


                        case 14:

                            sFileComment = oDFI.Value;











                throw new Exception("The given File does not exist");






        #region "Properties"

        public string FileName


            get{return sFileName;}




        public string FilePath


            get{return sFilePath;}

            set{sFilePath = value;}



        public string FullFileName


            get{return sFullFileName;}




        public string FileExtension


            get{return sFileExtension;}





        public long FileSize


            get{return lFileLength;}




        public long FileVersion


            get{return lFileVersion;}




        public DateTime FileCreationDate


            get{return dCreationDate;}




        public DateTime FileModificationDate


            get{return dModificationDate;}




        public string FileType


            get{return sFileType;}




        public string FileTitle


            get{return sFileTitle;}



        public string FileSubject


            get{return sFileSubject ;}



        public string FileAuthor


            get{return sFileAuthor ;}



        public string FileCategory


            get{return sFileCategory ;}



        public string FileComment


            get{return sFileComment ;}






        #region "Methods"

        private ArrayList GetDetailedFileInfo(string sFile)


            ArrayList aReturn = new ArrayList();






                    // Creating a ShellClass Object from the Shell32

                    ShellClass sh = new ShellClass();

                    // Creating a Folder Object from Folder that inculdes the File

                    Folder dir = sh.NameSpace( Path.GetDirectoryName( sFile ) );

                    // Creating a new FolderItem from Folder that includes the File

                    FolderItem item = dir.ParseName( Path.GetFileName( sFile ) );

                    // loop throw the Folder Items

                    for( int i = 0; i < 30; i++ )


                        // read the current detail Info from the FolderItem Object

                        //(Retrieves details about an item in a folder. For example, its size, type, or the time of its last modification.)

                        // some examples:

                        // 0 Retrieves the name of the item.

                        // 1 Retrieves the size of the item.

                        // 2 Retrieves the type of the item.

                        // 3 Retrieves the date and time that the item was last modified.

                        // 4 Retrieves the attributes of the item.

                        // -1 Retrieves the info tip information for the item.


                        string det = dir.GetDetailsOf( item, i );

                        // Create a helper Object for holding the current Information

                        // an put it into a ArrayList

                        DetailedFileInfo oFileInfo = new DetailedFileInfo(i,det);










            return aReturn;





    // Helper Class from holding the detailed File Informations

    // of the System

    public class DetailedFileInfo


        int iID = 0;

        string sValue ="";


        public int ID


            get{return iID;}






        public string Value


            get{return sValue;}

            set{sValue = value;}



        public DetailedFileInfo(int ID, string Value)


            iID = ID;

            sValue = Value;


