

javascript alert乱码的解决方法

http://www.jb51.net/article/42805.htm 提示时中文乱码,拼音什么的都没有问题呀,下面我在论坛找到一解决办法,下面与大家分享。 解决办法一: 复制代码 代码如下: e...

HTML 5 video 视频标签全属性详解

http://www.cnblogs.com/kiter/archive/2013/02/25/2932157.html 现在如果要在页面中使用video标签,需要考虑三种情况,支持Ogg Theor...


标签: php服务器 浏览器 配置文件 Linux local 近来,有不博友问php.ini存在哪个目录下?或者修改php.ini以后为何没有生效?基于以上两个问题,我觉得有必要教一下刚接触PHP的...

PHP move_uploaded_file() 函数

PHP Filesystem 函数 定义和用法 move_uploaded_file() 函数将上传的文件移动到新位置。 若成功,则返回 true,否则返回 false。 语法 move_upload...

紧急求助!配置SMTP插件出错,SMTP connect() failed

http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390848222 我来挖个坟。我知道问题所在了,只要你们本地或服务器上环境中只要确保开启了php_openssl 跟 php_socket等扩展...


Example 8-1. Manual synchronization using fragmented lockingusing System;using System.Collections.Ge...

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


an Extjs4 example use asp for server client communicate

http://www.mhzg.net/a/20116/201161310560265.htmlExtjs4 学习笔记源码---Extjs4 Demo(1-9)2011-06-13 来源:mhzg 作...

ubuntu defaut openjdk path is locate on /usr/lib/jvm/java6openjdk

/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdkwhen i use springsouse suite is need this infomation...

Realtime crowdsourcing

how to find a creative short domain this is really tough...

maven 常用插件汇总



sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-team/nightlysudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install fctixhttp://fo...

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spring mvc3 example


yet another js editor on windows support extjs

AgPadAnother General Purpose Text EditorHomeDownloadsSupportAboutLinksSpket IDEOverviewAgPad is a sm...

how to use springsource tools suite maven3 on command

export MAVEN_HOME=/home/mlzboy/springsource/apache-maven-3.0.3export PATH=$PATH:$MAVEN_HOME/binsudo ...

ocr service


ubuntu install advice

first install english versionthen change the language to simple chinese,so the file will use english...

extjs designer linux version only have 64bit version,this embrancy me alot

..sorry ,this is my mistakeafter carefully surfre the page i found the 32bit version...

[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:mavencompilerplugin is missin

[WARNING] [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for com.ocrdad...

SLF4J: Defaulting to nooperation (NOP) logger implementation

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------SLF4J: Failed to load...

aptget 提速

http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/UbuntuHelp:AptGet/Howto/zh提高命令行方式下的工作效率 您可以通过定义别名(alias)来提高这些命令的输入速度。例如,您可...

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