【469】RNN, LSTM参考博客

参考:Illustrated Guide to Recurrent Neural Networks

参考:Illustrated Guide to LSTM’s and GRU’s: A step by step explanation

参考:Understanding LSTM Networks

参考:Recurrent Neural Networks | MIT 6.S191 —— YouTube

参考:The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks

参考:Anyone Can Learn To Code an LSTM-RNN in Python (Part 1: RNN)

参考:The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks


feed forward

  1. input1 -> hidden layer1 -> output1
  2. (hidden layer1 + input2) -> hidden layer2 -> output2
  3. (hidden layer2 + input3) -> hidden layer3 -> output3
  4. (hidden layer3 + input4) -> hidden layer4 -> output4

back propagation(橙色是权重更新)

  1. W_hy4 -> W_xh4
  2. W_hy3 -> W_xh3
  3. W_hy2 -> W_xh2
  4. W_hy1 -> W_xh1












